Private Security Specialist,
Supply Chain (Ports&Logistics) Security Expert,
Communication Specialist.
Upon having served 19 years for Turkish Army at different troops, Head Quarters and Branchs, he graduated with Master degree of Public Relations and Promotion from Eagean University on 2004.
He has been working in private security industry since 2005, on several management positions at International Security Companies. During 7 years as Area Manager; responsible for carrying out following tasks; Management of Personnel, Risk Assessment, Design of Security Concept, Customer Relations, Business Development, Financial Planning and Tracking of Budget, İmplement of Labor Law and Law of Private Security.
During this time besides serving as Area Manager, he also served as “Supply Chain Segment Leader” and specialized in mentioned area with various domestic and abroad trainings.
As Supply Chain Segment Leader;
– Participated in training and surveying meetings as a member of “Securitas Maritime&Logistics Forum” and “Supply Chain Competence Center”. Within this content, he visited and attended to trainings at; Port of Hamburg, Port of Rotterdam, Port of Stockholm, APM Terminal of Cadiz and several Logistic Bases
– Contributed to Project of SUPPORT (Security Upgrade for Ports) which was developed by CoESS as the part of European Union Project, between 2009-2014 as “Port Security Specialist”.
– Participated at CoESS Working Committee Maritime Security, GUSOD Ship&Port Security Working Committee.
Main Training Activities he participated as part of Maritime&Logistics Security;
– Port Facility Security Officer Training Course, Dokuz Eylul University School of Maritime Business and Management, Izmir/Turkey,2007,
– AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) Training Securitas Maritime&Logistics Competence Center, France, 2009
– MOST (Maritime Operations& Sales Training) Training, Securitas Maritime&Logistics Competence Center, Holland and Romania, 2009
– ISO 28001:2007 Security Management Systems For The Supply Chain Training, Pinkerton Consulting&Investigation , U.K. 2010
– European Train the Trainer Seminar for Maritime Security Personnel-ISPS Code Course, CoESS, Belgium, 2011
– Participated in several studies about International Security Standards such as C-TPAT and TAPA. Participated in the audits conducted by US Customs Organization in 2009 and contributed a succesful audit with 3 “Best Practice” about C-TPAT. Has the ability to pre-audit about ISO 28.000:2007 with the training he had taken.
– Studies on Port Security Training;
– Prepared “Port Security Officer Handbook” for the training of Port Security Personnel,
– Established Training Course Notes about ISPS Code Training that has developed by CoESS,
– Prepared and performed “Table Top Exercises about Port Security.
– Studies on creating Security Concepts for Ports and Logistic Facilities;
– Participated in studies about preparation of Risk Value Chain for different Terminal types,
– Studied on Risk Assesment and Security Concept Design for the Ports of Samsun and Iskenderun which were privatizated.
– Provided Consultancy Services upon visiting Rotterdam Port Management, examining different Terminals Operations, Risk Assessment and concept design for the development of Borusan Gemlik Port.
– In addition to the port facility; There are also studies and experiences about Marina Security as Sub-Segment.
– Taken part in operation for the implementation and coordination for other segments within the content of international security standarts for Global Companies such as General Motors, Cummins, Gates Powertrain, RWE.
– Moreover, he participated in several studies regarding the security of Touristic Facilities due to the intensivity of tourism in Eagean Region. Had experiences of designing and implementing the concept of Security standarts about especially those which have their own international security standarts such as Radissonblu, Hilton, Renaissence.
As a Communication Specialist, he had various experiences and studies about “ Effective Communication Training”
Given Service as Security Consultant to Izfaş Fair Izmir from February 14 untill May 31 within the content of Quality and Control service for Organization, Consulting, Training, Audit. Contents of this consulting service at following topics;
– Preparation of Risk Thread Report of Fair Izmir upon detailed risk assessment.
– Determination of Private Security Team Norm Staff according to Security Concept.
– Determination of staff qualifications and competence to do the duties, Creation of General and Specific Terms of Reference for all staff and their place of duty
– Preperation of “Recruitment Procedure” for hiring Private Security Staff,Determining of Guards who will hire with interviews, Training Private Security Team about basic and specialize job trainings
– Creation and implementation of “Performance Evaluation Procedure” to measure the Staff’s duty.
– Preparation of Application Instruction for events and control of aplication during events.
– Review of Electronik Security Systems, identifying deficiencies, Preparation of technical Project an specification for development measures.
Good knowledge of English.