Security Expert
Risk Management Specialist
Lost Provention Specialist
Emergency Respond Specialist
Graduated from Turkish Land Forces War Collage at 1973. He gave service for 25 years for different troops at Turkish Army. He gave most of this service at elite commando units.
Since 1998; he worked as Administrative Manager, Human Resource Manager, Branch Manager at global Security Service Companies. In this way he specialized about Private Security process and applications.
Especially since 2006 he joined to local and abroad studies as Quality and Risk Coordinator. He joined to veteran’s of Ptrivate Security Sector in Turkey with atudies about; Risk Management, Emergency Respond Measures, Establish, Apply and Development of Security Standarts for different sectors.
He has experience about; Application of Quality Management Systems, coordination of all preparations for the institutions in this respect, planning, implementation and corrective actions of Quality Internal Audits, Implementation of Business Impact Analyzes, Evaluation of Service Level Indicators and Key Performance Intelligence.
He had found in case studies About; To establish Security requirements of facilities / institutions, Development of methodological approaches to security solutions, Creation of security designs by synchronizing technology and human factors accurately and effectively and saving work force in this way.
YWith knowledge accumulation pointed above; Contributed to the training of managerial personnel in Private Security Sector, have difference with Segment-based Table Top Exercises and training by planning special and substitution trainings.
He gave support for domestic and foreign institutions and organizations, including global companies, about; Execution of customer relations, Monitoring of commitments according to contractual obligations, Determination of defects and solutions and the improvement of service quality with internal and external customer satisfaction.
He had studies on the security measures to be taken in the organizations established or operated to produce explosives and their related technologies, weapons, ammunition and spare parts belonging to them and all kinds of war equipment and instruments covered by Law No. 5201. (Nato Facility Security Certificate- Facility Security Handbook)
The concept of risk, recognize in differently at different branches of science which is likely to cause an event that may lead to a wound, a loss, or a danger in institutions and organizations. It is extremely important establishing the implications of this concept affecting decision making processes of institutions and organizations. He had Segment-Based studies that especially bringing sensetivity of different segments which can give direction to private security sector
Some of these Segments are;
-Industrial Facilities Risk Assessments
-Energy Segment Risk Assessments
-Ports, Marinas, Railways Risk Assessments
-Touristic Facilities Risk Assessments
-Turistik İşletmeler Risk Analiz Çalışmaları
-Houses, Convention Centers, Shopping Malls, Education Facilities Risk Assessments
After 20 years active in private security sector, A. Zihni ÇELİK, which has been serving as “Private Security Consultant” since 2018, after 20 years active work in private security sector, has good knowledge of English